Reflections As I Begin My 30th Orbit
Birthdays have always been among the most difficult days of the year for me. I didn’t grow up celebrating them. The older I got the more I thought “What even is there to celebrate?” And now as I start my 30th orbit around the sun, I can only…

Ramadan 2023
In The Name of The True and Living God The Beneficent, The Merciful. I begin writing this with full eyes and an empty heart. How far I’ve strayed and how low I’ve become. Will I even reach the starting line in the next few hours, let alone the…

Music & Ramadan
In The Name of The True and Living God The Beneficent The Merciful. Ramadan is upon us. Ramadan is a time when Muslims undergo a major shift in their daily routines, habits and lifestyles. If you’re a Muslim reading this you already know what’s up, and if you’re…

J. Cole and Islam – What’s the Relationship?
You probably opened this page to find out what J. Cole and Islam have in common. Well, allow me to explain. When I first heard this track I was left feeling some type of way. As a Muslim, as someone who with all their innate faults has consciously submitted…

Purpose – A J. Cole Framework
Do you know your purpose? Are you in tune with it? Are you moving in line with it? Let's take a look from a J. Cole perspective.…

JAY-Z Teaches Us 5 Life Lessons
We take a quick look into some of the bars from JAY-Z's song "Anything" and the lessons we can extract from them.…

Heavy – Unloading One Another’s Burdens
There are people who are masters of hiding their burdens. Whether you and I are one of them is left for us to decide. But years of practice enables them to be quiet and bear their heavy loads in silence.…