J. Cole and Islam – What’s the Relationship?
You probably opened this page to find out what J. Cole and Islam have in common. Well, allow me to explain. When I first heard this track I was left feeling some type of way. As a Muslim, as someone who with all their innate faults has consciously submitted…
Heavy – Unloading One Another’s Burdens
There are people who are masters of hiding their burdens. Whether you and I are one of them is left for us to decide. But years of practice enables them to be quiet and bear their heavy loads in silence.…
Blood is Thicker than Water. Or is it Really?
“Same brother, different mother, same orphanage” refers to our shared origins. It’s funny, ‘blood is thicker than water’ is one of the most misunderstood phrases: it actually means the opposite of what everyone thinks it does.…
In 1787, the “Three-Fifths Compromise” was reached during the United States Constitutional Convention. At that time, slavery was widespread and a large number of black people made up the “general population”. In order to determine the number of seats each state would have in the United States House…
Started with a Mustard Seed
A mustard seed is among the smallest of seeds available to farmers primarily in the middle-east region, where all Abrahamic religions originated from. When fully grown, a mustard plant can be 2 – 3m in height making it one of the largest garden plants grown from one of…