Blood is Thicker than Water. Or is it Really?

“Same brother, different mother, same orphanage” refers to our shared origins. It’s funny, ‘blood is thicker than water’ is one of the most misunderstood phrases: it actually means the opposite of what everyone thinks it does.…
In concert, if a performance is repeated or added towards the end as a result of being called for by the audience, it is generally referred to as an encore


The most famous Asyndeton in history however, is Julius Caesar’s “Veni, Vidi, Vici” literally translated to “I came, I saw, I conquered”. It comes from the Latin language and was used as an expression during a letter sent to the Roman senate after Caesar’s victory at the Battle…


In 1787, the “Three-Fifths Compromise” was reached during the United States Constitutional Convention. At that time, slavery was widespread and a large number of black people made up the “general population”. In order to determine the number of seats each state would have in the United States House…
Noisy being silent - How can you make noise being silent? Actions speak louder than words. Actions relative to his success is how he makes a lot of it. hood intellectuals

Noisy Being Silent

The term “Actions speak louder than words” in the English language is first recorded in essence as appearing in “Hansard Parliamentary History of England” by J. Pym in the following sentence: ‘A word spoken in season is like an Apple of Gold set in Pictures of Silver,’ and actions…